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Choose Cost-effective iPhone Battery Replacement in Plano

Updated: Jun 29, 2023

iPhone Battery

There are a few variables to consider before replacing your iPhone battery, and it's not always the best move given the potential expense and complexity involved. Still, if you decide it's time for a new iPhone battery, you want to ensure you can get the right battery and that it can be replaced. Not only that, but there are some important things to do in order to ensure your battery lasts as long as possible, particularly if you may not use a phone for a few weeks or more.

Lithium polymer batteries won't last forever, and after around 500 charge cycles, these batteries start to degrade. Degrading, in this case, doesn't mean it's becoming chemically unstable or risky — it just can't hold as much charge as when it was new. This isn't an iPhone-specific issue and will happen to any phone, tablet, or laptop with a rechargeable battery.

There are some signs for a degraded battery. First, your battery life will take a nosedive, and second, you might start to get unexpected shutdowns. While the former is to be expected, the latter can be very frustrating. The problem is that your iPhone needs a certain amount of power to run all of its components and if the battery can't deliver that power, the iPhone can power off.

Fortunately, in the last few versions of iOS, Apple has included a battery health monitor in the phone settings. Tap the settings icon and scroll down to Battery. You will be able to get a good idea of what's using your battery and when. If you see an app using more than expected, that app may be your issue rather than a degraded battery.

Tap on Battery Health. If your percentage is higher than 80%, your battery is fine. This can also show you if you have any unexpected shutdowns in the past which can be signs of a battery that's failing to deliver enough power to the hardware.

Over time, a battery can lose its capacity from repeated use, but some other factors can cause degradation to progress much more quickly. One main indicator of failure is a swollen iPhone battery. Consult gadget repair professionals for safe and quick iPhone battery replacement and iPhone repair in Plano.

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